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The Warp

Saturday afternoon

Saturday Afternoon

By the river the trees lean

dark against the silver water

fishermen dabble swans swim

cows munch and the skies dream

and mists lie on the hills

in the street by Woolworths the crowds press

girls and young men in their Sunday best

boys in black suits, suede shoes

walk in the slatted sun

and red buses grind beside them

two worlds

which shall I choose?


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Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research, and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006

www.JeremySandford.org.uk (c) 2006
[Jeremy Sandford FanClub]