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Suggested Letter

Dear Jeremy

This is to confirm that you’ve agreed to me having the following event at Hatfield Court on from till

We’ll arrive at to get the place together, start fires, do cooking, etc. We’ll stay till or, if this is not long enough, till the place is tidied up to our mutual satisfaction.

We’ll not use candles except in the two principal rooms.

We’ll pay for all heat used, i.e. about £10 electric (we’ll read the meter before and after), about £10 flame spitter and replace if necessary. I’ll provide about 4 bags of coal (3 stove nuts, 1 house coal) and you’ll buy remainder if some not used up after the event; up to £5 gas for cooker gas cylinder (and replace cylinder if necessary).

I’m asking about people, and expect to get about . I’ll work with anyone else who may be asking people and let you know, in writing, who I think is coming and how many each expect.

I’ll arrange for myself and at least one other responsible person to stay the night after the event and not leave before the last guest has gone.

Before I leave, I’ll see that the house is returned to no worse condition than when I arrived, and close windows and lock, key in the place agreed and, as far as possible, arrange for someone to stay the night before to get it ready.

I’ll provide all food and drink and be careful we don’t deplete your supplies.

I’ll be responsible to make good any damage done and with the help of helpers I’ll be responsible for the good behaviour of guests.

This is a no-shoe household and, as far as possible, a non-smoking household.

Cars must not park on grass verge of outer drive, by request of our neighbour, but can park on public road at end of drive if your car park is full.

I’ll put signpost to entry of outer and inner drives so neighbours are not disturbed by people asking the way.

People will not be invited until this agreement has been sorted. I agree that if written or oral invites or fliers are to go out, I/we will check them with you first.

I’ll see that people know where fire extinguishers are.

I’ll explain to people that they come to the event at their own risk and that they are responsible for themselves and their own safety and that of their property.

I’ll look after your property at all times as if it were my own.

We’ll take bottles used to the bottle bank in Etnam Street car park.

Ash from the stoves will be lightly sprinkled on flower-beds in the parking area.

Non-recyclable rubbish in black bin bags will go to the little gate behind Allan the Hat’s truck.

Compost to go to compost heap (as far as front ha-ha, turn right, past steps going down, to end) or left out in front of the house for the birds to eat.

Tins and aluminium to Etnam Street car park tin disposal skip.

At night, while anyone is still up/around I, or someone appointed by me, will stay up to contain any problems and, if it is not me, I will let you know who it is.

We’ll be particularly watchful for any problems as people are leaving.

We’ll take particular care of the old settee in the hall (blankets over?) and glass cabinet in the hall (turn to wall?)

We won’t burn your wood as I appreciate you’ve bought it or brought from afar.

If anything is stolen, I’ll do my utmost to ensure that it, or something of similar value, is returned to you.

Except as agreed, items will be returned to the same position after the event as they were in before.

No illegal drugs or other illegal activities!

If I want to give out your phone number I’ll check first with you as I appreciate the phone may not be manned during events which may lead to false expectations.

Before leaving I’ll go round with you to check that everything has been returned to order.



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Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research, and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006

www.JeremySandford.org.uk (c) 2006
[Jeremy Sandford FanClub]