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Hatfield Court


Nr Leominster



Phone: 01568 760333

February 1999

Mrs A Brookes

Herefordshire Council

P O Box 40



Dear Mrs Brookes

I have been told by Grenville Sherringham of Leader II that Herefordshire Council may be prepared to put £1,000 into the

Hatfield Memories Project

which will provide a heritage item for sale, and useful part time jobs and training for local people.

I enclose the original Leader II application plus revised funding.

I do hope you may be able to help us and do please contact me if there is any further information you would like me to provide.

With best wishes

Jeremy Sandford

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Almost all of the content of these webpages is copyright of the estate of
Jeremy Sandford, RIP.
They are provided here for your private research, and as a tribute to Jeremy.
However the index and sorting and coding are copyright of me,
George @ dicegeorge.com(c)2006

www.JeremySandford.org.uk (c) 2006
[Jeremy Sandford FanClub]